So a few weeks ago I had a garage sale in attempts to clean out my room. I sold some stuff, donated A LOT of stuff, but then still had some stuff left over that I couldn't bear to donate. These are the things I still love but just don't get a lot of wear from, so I thought if I can't wear them then the next best thing would be to offer them to my blog readers!
Everything I'm selling is in new or nearly new condition, and has only been worn a few times or never worn at all. This isn't my thrifted stuff either, it's all name brands including Cheap Monday, Irregular Choice, Boy London, and even Luella! To make things simple, I've included the shipping charge in the price listed, so all you have to do is email me with the item you want, and I'll send you a Paypal invoice for the listed price and nothing more! I've made a page with the despcription for everything, so go ahead and click below to shop my closet!
Everything I'm selling is in new or nearly new condition, and has only been worn a few times or never worn at all. This isn't my thrifted stuff either, it's all name brands including Cheap Monday, Irregular Choice, Boy London, and even Luella! To make things simple, I've included the shipping charge in the price listed, so all you have to do is email me with the item you want, and I'll send you a Paypal invoice for the listed price and nothing more! I've made a page with the despcription for everything, so go ahead and click below to shop my closet!
Just so I feel like there's some "real material" in this post, here are some pictures of the kind of outfit I wear on those crazy hot summer days. Usually my outfits are barely modified for the weather, but here in the praries it can get pretty damn hot sometimes and, well, something's gotta give... in this case it's my creativity. The only ounce of originality here are my "leopard print bike shorts", which were actually my favourite pair of tights that had a tiny hole which soon turned into a giant gash! My solution (couldn't throw them away, obviously) was to cut them and turn them into sheer shorts. Which actually have really come in handy to wear under my other shorts... my cutoffs tend to be veeeery short, oops!
UPDATE: Things are selling fast! The shoes, sunglasses, and sweatshirt are sold, but there's still a Cheap Monday dress, an American Apparel dress, a Topshop skirt, and a Luella top all up for grabs still! Check them out before someone else snatches them!